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Styxx (DH #33) Page 18

  “Leave us!”

  She spun on her heel and stormed off.

  Stunned, Styxx replayed her last bit through his head. “Did you really tell her that, Father?”

  He sat down in a huff. “Who knows? Who cares? I told her what I had to, to keep her from nagging at me. Take my word, Styxx, there is nothing more annoying than a woman wanting her way.”

  Ignoring that last bit, Styxx braced himself for the question he needed answered. “Why did you send Acheron to Atlantis? The truth, Father.”

  Because whenever I see his wretched eyes I hate you. His father’s thought splintered his heart.

  “What does it matter?” his father snapped angrily. “Acheron was not a member of this family. He didn’t belong here.”

  “And the fact that he shares my face?”

  “A trick of the gods.”

  But I’m the one with the powers. Acheron only has the eyes.

  And his father would hate and deny him, too, if he ever learned that truth.

  I really am nothing.…

  Worse, he had nothing.

  December 9, 9533 BC

  Styxx was sound asleep when someone grabbed him and dragged him from his bed in the middle of the night.

  “Where is he?”

  His attacker slammed him against the wall so hard, his breath left his body.

  “Damn it, boy! Answer me, or so help me, I’ll gut you!”

  Styxx finally recognized Estes’s voice in the darkness. But for his life, he didn’t understand why his uncle was so angry. “He’s gone to Arcadia.”

  Estes backhanded him. “Not my brother, you stupid whore. Yours! What did you do with Acheron?”


  Styxx stared at him blankly. “He’s with you.”

  Estes punched him in the stomach then began raining blows on him so fast and furiously that Styxx couldn’t even put his arms up to defend himself. He was too dazed by the herbs, his sleep, and now the beating. Falling to the ground, he tried to crawl away, but Estes followed, kicking him as hard as he could with every step.

  After a few minutes, he grabbed Styxx then jerked him over onto his back and pinned him to the floor. He pressed his forearm against Styxx’s throat, cutting off his breathing.

  Panting and in absolute misery, Styxx glared at Estes. Moonlight cut across his uncle’s face, showing him the extent of Estes’s fury … not that the beating hadn’t clued him in.

  “Where did you put your brother?”

  “I haven’t seen him since I left Atlantis.”

  Estes choked him so hard, Styxx’s ears buzzed. His vision dimmed. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not.”

  Evil glinted in his uncle’s merciless eyes. “Let’s see, shall we?” He pulled something from his purse and forced it into Styxx’s mouth.

  Styxx tried to spit it out, but Estes wouldn’t let him. He sat on his chest and held him there with his hand over Styxx’s mouth and nose until he was forced to swallow.

  “If you’re lying to me, boy … if you’ve taken Acheron from me, everyone in your entire empire and Greece will learn just what a whore you really are. They will all know how much you’ve begged to have a cock shoved in your mouth and ass. You hear me?”

  Growling in fury, Styxx tried his best to fight his uncle off, but it was no use. Estes was too much stronger and larger.

  And he wouldn’t budge.

  He held Styxx’s hands by his face until the drug he’d given him took effect.

  Styxx’s breath left him in one gasp as the room swam and he lost complete control of his body and mind.

  His uncle finally let go of his hands. “Can you hear me?”

  He answered against his will. It was as if he had no ability to control his oral responses. “I hear you.”

  “Where is Acheron?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “When did you last see him?”

  Styxx blinked slowly as the memory returned. “When he held my ankles while I was branded a whore by your guard. You had him blow across the burn and then you ordered him out.”

  “You haven’t seen him since?”


  Estes stroked Styxx’s hair back from his face. “What else do you remember about Atlantis, little Styxx?”

  A single tear slid from the corner of his eye as horrid memories assailed him. “Everything.”

  His uncle smiled in his face. “Everything? Let’s put that to the test, shall we?”

  December 12, 9533 BC

  Styxx came awake covered in blood and bruises, and aching all over. His head pounded and his throat was so raw, he wondered if it was bleeding, too.


  Something hit him in the head then landed on the mattress by his side.

  Confused, he opened his eyes to see Estes in the room, not too far away. In that moment, the last two days slammed into him. “You fucking bastard!”

  “But I’m not the one who’s branded as a whore.”

  Styxx glared at him.

  “Take the medicine. I know you’re raw and in pain. But I wanted to make a point. As bad as it is, it would have been a lot worse had you helped him … and if I can’t find your brother, I will be back for you.”

  “What about my father?”

  “He’s in Arcadia, isn’t he? Pity you didn’t go with him. But he left you behind to attend to anything that might come up here at home.”

  Styxx’s teeth chattered as more pain racked him. Estes had beat and raped him well. But at least he hadn’t passed him around to anyone else.

  This time.

  “What are you waiting for, Highness? Do you want me to help you administer it?”

  “No!” Styxx snarled. “I don’t ever want your hands on me again.”

  “Well, that’s not going to happen.” Estes jerked his chin toward a small chest next to the bed. “I’ve left you a gift. Now I’m off to search more for your brother. I will find him, and if I learn that you’ve helped him in any way, you will regret it.”

  His hand shaking, Styxx pulled the suppository out of the pouch his uncle had thrown at him and inserted it while Estes watched.

  Estes rolled him over, onto his back. He cupped Styxx’s chin in his hand. “Don’t worry, all of the bruising will heal before your father returns. As for your servants … I told them you’ve been sick with your nosebleeds and that I’ve been caring for you.” He slapped him lightly on the cheek twice. “You might want to keep the lie going for a few more days.”

  He slid off the bed and raked a hungry smirk over Styxx’s naked body. “Until next time, dear nephew.”

  Styxx felt his unshed tears prick his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. May the gods damn you, Acheron! If he was going to run, why couldn’t he have gone with Styxx?


  Because it would have saved you these past two days of abuse.…

  Deep inside, he hated his brother. But another part of him was happy that Acheron was free. That he’d managed to get out from under Estes’s hostile fist.

  Even if it meant hell for him later, he hoped Acheron was never found. Then at least one of them might have some peace and happiness.

  February 20, 9532 BC

  It was an unseasonably warm day as Styxx sat in the common seats of the gymnasium, watching the play below. His father had given him the morning off while he conferred with his advisors about war. There was a chance that his father might have to travel again, and he wanted Styxx to stay behind.

  Something that terrified him.

  Neither of them had heard from Estes. Styxx didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad one. Had Estes found his brother or was Acheron still free?

  He hoped for the latter, but since Estes had left him alone, he feared his brother had been found.

  Sighing, he glanced to the right and froze as he made eye contact with a man he’d never seen before. It was a licentious interest Styxx was acquainted with more times than he’d wanted to be.

; Styxx pulled his cowl lower, making sure that none of his face was showing.

  As soon as the play was over, he got up to leave. But he didn’t get far before the man who’d been staring at him took his arm and pulled him to a stop.

  At first Styxx thought he might have recognized him, yet if he knew who Styxx was, he’d know better than to touch him.

  “Are you free-born?” the man asked. Gods, I hope not. I’d love to be able to have you without issue.

  “Excuse me?”

  He raked a hungry gaze over Styxx’s body. “I wanted to talk to you for a bit.”

  Styxx turned and put as much distance between them as he could. But the man followed and caught up to him just outside the gymnasium.

  This time, his grip was fierce. “Don’t turn your back on me, boy.”

  “What do you think you’re doing?” a deep male voice growled. “Have you any idea who you’re addressing?”

  Styxx turned his head to see Dorus, the youngest son of his father’s head advisor. Though they’d only spoken in passing, they’d known each other for years.

  But the last thing he wanted was to be outed like this. He glared a warning at Dorus.

  “Who is he?” the man demanded.

  “My servant,” Dorus said quickly, catching on to the ruse. “Unhand him, right now. Or I’ll have you arrested for trying to abscond with my property.”

  The man let go. “He belongs to you?” A speculative light darkened his gaze. “Do you ever rent him out?”


  “Would you like to start?”

  Dorus stiffened in anger. “Again, I say no. Now, if you’ll excuse us.” He snapped his fingers at Styxx, who fell in right behind him. After they rounded a building, Dorus stopped and looked back. “Ah, thank the gods, he’s gone.”

  Styxx let out a relieved breath until Dorus arched a curious brow at him.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, Highness, but what are you doing dressed as a commoner?”

  “I went to a play.”


  Styxx shrugged. “I didn’t want to sit in the royal box. No one leaves me alone there.” Someone was forever trying to serve him or join him. It was a constant interruption to the point he couldn’t hear the actors.

  And everyone outside the box stared their hatred at him.

  “So you went in common clothes and sat in the common area without your guards … fascinating.”

  Styxx froze as he realized he wasn’t hearing Dorus’s thoughts. How rare and wonderful. It didn’t happen often, and he loved the mental silence. “Thank you for your aid. I won’t forget it.”

  Dorus bowed to him. “Ever at your service, Highness. And should you ever desire to go again, let me know and I’ll get you the worst seats in the house.”

  Styxx almost laughed at his unexpected humor. He started to leave then stopped himself. There was nothing at the palace to do. But the man beside him seemed a decent enough companion. At least for a few hours. “Dorus? Would you like to dine with me?”

  “It would be my honor, Highness.”

  Styxx lowered his cowl as they walked toward a small kentro where they could eat in relative peace.

  The owner came up immediately and bowed low before Styxx. “Highness, it’s so good to see you again. Come, I have a private table for you.” He led them through the small building, to a table and chaises in a back corner that had a curtain drawn up to shield it from the rest of the occupants. “Would you like your usual fare?”

  “Please, Cosmos. Thank you.”

  He ran to gather it.

  Styxx sat with his back to the wall while Dorus took the chaise across from him.

  “It’s good to be king, eh?” Dorus teased.

  If the bastard only knew the truth … “Prince, and yes. Some days it is.”

  “But not all days?”

  Styxx swallowed hard. It was very rare he enjoyed the privileges of his rank. But he wasn’t about to confide in someone he didn’t know that well. Someone who would think him petty for complaining. “Were you at the play?”

  “No, Highness. I was returning home from the market when I just happened to catch a glimpse of you. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was correct. But once I was…”

  Cosmos returned with kylixes of wine, while his servants brought food. Styxx and Dorus poured a small bit of wine on the floor as tribute to the gods before they took their own drink.

  Styxx spent several hours with Dorus, talking about nothing and everything. By the time they parted company, he had a friend. At least that’s what he assumed they were. Since he’d never had one before, he wasn’t sure.

  He’s probably only talking to you because you’re prince. Maybe. But he’d seemed sincere in his interest. And since Styxx couldn’t hear his thoughts, why not? Even if Dorus had ulterior motives, it had been nice to laugh and converse with someone for once, while not knowing that the person thought him a complete and utter spoiled ass.

  “Where have you been?”

  He paused inside the palace at his father’s demanding tone. “In town.” He frowned as he saw the king’s stern glower. “Is something the matter?”

  “I have received disturbing news from your uncle.”

  Styxx went cold as dread washed over him. “What does he say?”

  “Acheron has run away. He wrote to ask if I’d seen him. Have you?”

  Styxx forced himself to betray no emotion whatsoever. “No, Father. Did Uncle say anything else?”

  Like how he whored me to others …

  “Not really. He asked after you and sent you a gift.”

  His stomach cramped with dread. “What gift?”

  “I didn’t open it. It’s in your room. Why don’t you freshen up? Dinner will be served in about an hour.”

  He gave his father a curt bow before he went to his room on shaking legs. What would Estes send to him?

  This can’t be good.

  Closing the door to his room, he saw the box waiting on the table. His heart pounded as he crossed the room then lifted the lid and cursed out loud. Inside was the erotiki sfaira his uncle had removed from his tongue and the small gold tag that had been around his neck. The tag of a tsoulus.

  Styxx opened the note.

  If I don’t have my property back in my home by your birthday, you will take his place. Were I you, I’d do everything I can to help my father find him.

  Styxx slammed the box shut and started to throw it into the fire. But he caught himself.

  What if it was found only partially burned?

  So he hid it deep in his chest near the window. He’d take it and throw it in the sea on the morrow.

  The note, however, he burned, making sure not a trace of it was left behind.

  What am I going to do?

  He refused to help Estes find Acheron. He’d never be able to live with himself if he returned his own brother to that existence.

  Are you willing to be a whore in his stead? After what he did to you?

  Acheron betrayed you and held you down and laughed while Estes branded you a tsoulus.…

  “Welcome to my world, brother. I want you to think of me every time you see ‘whore’ next to your cock.…”

  He was furious about that and Acheron’s harsh words. He wanted his brother’s blood for it.

  But wanting blood and actually condemning someone to something so horrific …

  I can’t do it. He wasn’t his father.

  Besides, he was already a whore himself. And as Estes had shown him, he could be attacked even in the safety of his own bed. A bed he hadn’t slept in since. He couldn’t bear it. Every night, he dragged his blankets into the receiving room to sleep on the floor and every morning, he returned them to his bed so no one knew.

  Yet if Estes had his way, everyone would learn what he was.

  And how he’d been used.

  June 21, 9532 BC

  “I do not understand women.”

  Styxx didn’t say anything as his fat
her continued to rail against Ryssa as they journeyed to the summer palace. His father had summoned her home and she’d refused to return.

  So here they were, fetching her back.

  “What gets into their minds?”

  Styxx shrugged. “Mites?”

  His father laughed. “Only you could lighten my mood this day.” Sighing, his father dismounted at the steps.

  Styxx slid to the ground as the guards with them dismounted. The palace looked empty. But then it always did when they weren’t in residence.

  Normally, they’d have moved in a month ago, but with the war looming, his father had decided to stay closer to the mainland and in the palace that was easier to fortify and more centrally located.

  His father waited for the guards to open the door before he entered to find the palace as empty inside as it appeared outside. But as they searched through it, it was obvious that someone was in residence. The furniture was uncovered in several of the smaller rooms, and Ryssa’s bedchambers were fresh with flowers.

  The king shook his head as he glanced around. “She must be out back.”

  Styxx followed his father through the doors and into the garden.

  “She’s always favored the orchard,” he reminded his father. Though she’d had a fit any time Styxx had tried to join her there. The last time they’d stayed here, she’d even hit him in the head with an apple when he’d gone down to tell her she had a letter from their aunt. Then she’d had the nerve to tell their father that he’d spied on her.

  He’d been given a dozen lashes for that. A woman needs her privacy, boy. You don’t ever spy on your sister.

  And he’d never told his father about the apple he’d taken to his head. Because that his father would have viewed as being a crybaby on his part, which would have resulted in another beating.

  As they entered the orchard, Styxx slowed at the sound of two voices.

  Ryssa’s and Acheron’s.

  He wanted to grab his father and pull him away from here, but it was too late. His father had already seen them and he was furious over it.