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The League 1: Born Of The Night Page 17

  He nodded. "An ex-Hyshian assassin. She does the killing and I take the blame. It keeps her safe. The only crime she's wanted for is smuggling and espionage."

  A knot formed in Kiara's throat as she considered his words. "So she's free to kill, and if you're caught, they'll execute you for something you're not guilty of."

  He shook his head. "Not hardly. I've committed enough assassinations while working for the League to warrant all the death contracts signed on my life."

  "But those were legal assassinations."

  He scoffed. "Legal, but far more corrupt and immoral than anything Jayne has done."

  Kiara digested his words, her heart pounding for him.

  He leaned against the wall, watching her with hooded eyes. "I don't care if you turn me in, but I want you to swear to me you'll never betray Hauk, Rachol, Darling, or Jayne."

  Kiara sniffed back her tears. "I would never betray any of you."

  Nykyrian nodded. He started to push himself away from the wall, but Kiara caught him with her hand. There were so many other missing pieces in his puzzle she had to know the answers to. "Why does Aksel hate you so much?"

  Nykyrian took her hand from his chest and played with her fingers, sending a chill up her arm. It surprised her when he bothered to answer her plea. "He was angry at the Commander for adopting me. Since he couldn't take it out on the Commander, he turned his malice on me."

  "Didn't Huwin ever try to stop it?"

  Nykyrian shook his head. "He didn't want a son, he already had Aksel and Arast. What he wanted was a legend to stand out in the League's archives. He wanted his surname to inspire terror into anyone who heard it."

  "Is that why Aksel changed his last name?"

  Pain flashed behind his eyes for a brief moment, then was gone. "No, Aksel did that so no one would think he was related to a hybrid giakon."

  Kiara ran her hand over the scar along his collarbone. "So much pain," she whispered, watching the chill bumps spring up beneath her fingers.

  He looked down at her with agony-filled eyes that brought an ache to her chest. Nykyrian took her hands and turned them upward. "In your palms, I have placed my life, my secrets," he whispered, his breath falling against her cheek, tingling her skin. "I give you freedom to leave me at any time. I'm not easy to love, I know. All I ask is that you always keep your silence, if not for me, then for the families of the others you'd destroy."

  Tears fell uncontrollably down her cheeks, dripping from her chin. "I could never hurt you," she said, cupping his face in her hands.

  His lips covered hers. The taste of her salty tears burned her lips as he kissed her passionately. Kiara welcomed the feel of his warm mouth, the hunger of his need for her. She clutched him to her, needing the feel of his body.

  Kiara ran her hands over the hard, muscled flesh of his ribs. To her shock, Nykyrian laughed. She stilled her hands and looked up at his face. "Was that a laugh?" she gasped.

  A smile curved his lips. "I think I'm ticklish," he said in amazement.

  Devilishly, Kiara ran her hands back over his ribs. His rich, throaty laughter filled her ears with its melody and her heart with happiness. She kept tickling him, delighting in the way he squirmed.

  "Mercy," he cried at last.

  "Okay," she said and kissed his cheek.

  He pulled her to him, his eyes serious. "Don't ever leave me," he said in a ragged voice that tore through her.

  "I will never leave you," she promised with all the love coursing through her body.

  In one deft movement, he pulled her dress from her body and lowered her to the floor. Kiara welcomed the feel of his skin against hers. She caressed the hard tendons of his back, wanting to keep him with her forever.

  A loud whistle rent the air. Nykyrian looked up with a jerk.

  "What is it?" she asked breathlessly.

  "The link," he said, worry heavy in his voice.

  Kiara pulled her dress to her and watched him sprint out of the room. Donning her clothes, she went after him. Nykyrian sat on the couch, his back to her.

  "Darling just stumbled into my flat." Kiara recognized Rachol's voice. "He's in bad shape. I can defend myself against Aksel, but if they come here while I've got Darling, they'll tear him apart."

  Kiara placed a comforting hand on Nykyrian's shoulder. He looked at her with a tender smile. "Bring Darling here," he said.

  "Are you sure?"

  "It's the only place where he'll be safe while he heals."

  "All right. We'll be there shortly."

  Nykyrian switched the link off and tossed it back on the low table. He rubbed his hands over his face, a deep grimace lining his features.

  "What is it?" Kiara asked, brushing her fingers through his hair.

  "Arturo has beaten Darling up again. I should have torn him into pieces."

  Kiara knelt on the floor and placed her chin on his shoulder. "Will Darling be all right?"

  "I hope so," he whispered, rubbing the arm she had wrapped around his neck.

  Kiara placed a kiss on his bare shoulder. "Are you always plagued with so many problems?"

  He gave a short laugh. "All things considered, it's been a slow week." He pulled her around the arm of the couch and sat her in his lap. "What have you done to me, woman? If Rachol hears me laugh, he really will have a fit."

  She brushed a strand of his hair over his shoulder. "Let him get used to it. I like the sound of your laughter too much to let you hide it."

  He kissed her tenderly.

  Pulling away, he studied her eyes. "Luckily the walls upstairs are sound proof. I don't think a guest will be too much of a burden."

  His devilish smile brought heat to her cheeks. Before she could respond, he stood her on her feet and went to retrieve his shirt. Kiara wasn't sure what she made of this new Nykyrian. But she decided she definitely liked him.

  * * * * *

  They ended up in the viewing room, waiting on Rachol and Darling to arrive. Kiara was stunned when Nykyrian laid his head in her lap and stretched out across the couch. She played with his soft hair as they sat quietly in the dark, watching the flickering images.

  Kiara had what she wanted. He trusted her. A lump constricted her throat as she looked down at him. His long eyelashes fluttered. She pulled his hair away from his neck to see the short, baby hairs curling around his nape. Using her fingernails, she gently brushed them. Chills formed on his neck and he closed his eyes with a sigh. With her fingertip, she traced the line of his cheek and lips. Turning, he opened his eyes to meet hers. The love inside the light green eyes scorched her.

  He reached his hand out and brought her head down to his to receive his impassioned kiss. Kiara moaned, her body igniting at his touch. His arms tensed.

  Rachol's engines thundered in the bay.

  "Remember this position for future reference," Nykyrian whispered against her lips, his warm breath causing chills to spread down her body.

  He stood and she wanted to curse in frustration. Gathering her tumultuous emotions, Kiara followed him to the door. They waited several minutes before the door finally opened. Kiara gasped.

  Rachol supported Darling by his shoulder. Darling was slumped heavily against Rachol's side, unable to walk without assistance. Darling's face, bloodied and bruised, could barely be recognized. His left arm dangled in an awkward position and Kiara realized it was broken.

  Nykyrian cursed, then swung Darling up in his arms. Rachol ran ahead to the viewing room. Kiara followed behind them, her heart twisting at the sight of Darling's beaten condition.

  Rachol had pulled the bed out of the couch by the time they got there. "Let me pull up the sheet," he mumbled.

  "To hell with the sheet," Nykyrian snarled. "I'll buy a new couch if I have to."

  Rachol nodded, then met Kiara's eyes. The hostility in his gaze made her take a step back.

  Oblivious to the hate-filled look, Nykyrian laid Darling down. Rachol broke eye contact with her to tend to Darling. Kiara stood in the doorway,
the lorinas curling around her legs, her limbs trembling in fear and sympathy.

  She frowned as she saw for the first time why Darling kept his hair over the left side of his face. A deep, white scar traveled down his face from hairline to chin. Kiara couldn't imagine what had happened to him to leave such a vicious scar.

  Her throat tightened at the amount of blood covering him. Never in her life had she seen anyone so abused. She glanced at Nykyrian, his jaw stiff, and wondered how many times he had been beaten into a similar condition.

  "I'm going to kill Arturo," Nykyrian ground out between clenched teeth.

  Darling reached out and touched Nykyrian's arm. "Leave him alone," he whispered through his swollen lips.

  Kiara sobbed, imagining how much pain Darling must be in. She couldn't believe he was still conscious.

  Rachol injected painkiller into Darling's arm, then moved to set the break. Kiara stared, wondering why Darling didn't cry out or grimace. He just lay there so quiet and still. He didn't look real. Yet she knew he was still conscious by his open eyes that stared at the ceiling.

  Nykyrian looked up at her. He crossed the floor, took her by the elbow, and led her out of the room. "I think it would be best if you went upstairs and waited for me."

  Kiara nodded. "Is he going to be all right?"

  Nykyrian brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. "He'll be fine," he said before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

  Kiara started up the stairs, then paused. "Nykyrian?" She waited until he turned around to look at her. "I hope you do get revenge on Arturo." And with that, she headed to the bedroom.

  Almost an hour later, Nykyrian joined her in the bed. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms and held her close, his face buried in her neck. His warm breath caressed her nape through her hair.

  Kiara wished for the words to make him feel better, to ease some of the tenseness in his muscles which surrounded her.

  "How's he doing?" she asked in a small whisper.

  Nykyrian sighed and pulled back from her neck. He stroked her bare arm with his hand. "He's asleep. He'll be fine, all things considered."

  Kiara bit her lip, her throat tight. "Do you know what I've been thinking about while I lay here?"

  A short laugh rumbled behind her, bringing a tiny thrill to her body despite the seriousness of her mood. "I can't imagine," Nykyrian said, kissing the lobe of her ear.

  Kiara caught his hand in hers and brought it to her cheek. "Life," she said, stroking his strong fingers.

  She felt him stiffen around her.

  Kiara closed her eyes and held his warm hand closer to her. "I've been thinking about how much I wanted to leave my father's house growing up, because he never respected me or my privacy." She sighed, her thoughts tripping over each other. "I always thought he was cruel to check up on me and intimidate my friends. He would never let me out of his sight without siccing one of his soldiers on me." She swallowed the clump of tears that gathered in her throat. "I was so stupid. My mother used to tell me my life wasn't so horrible, now I fully understand what she meant. God, I've been so blind, so sheltered."

  His hand tightened around hers and he raised it to his lips where he placed a gentle kiss on her fingers. "I'm glad your father protected you. I wouldn't want to have to kill him, too."

  Kiara gave a bitter-sweet laugh. "All I wanted growing up was to be free." She rolled over onto her back and faced him. "Is that what you wanted, to be free of your father?"

  His eyes darkened. "Truthfully?"

  She nodded.

  "All I wanted was to die like a man, without tears or pleading."

  Kiara's tears fell from the corners of her eyes, dripping down into her hairline. "And now?" she whispered.

  He wiped the tears from her hair and kissed her. His lips trailed over her body with an insistence she couldn't deny. Kiara welcomed him to her as he pulled her gown from her body. He made love to her slowly, with the stars twinkling all around them. Afterwards, he held her tightly in his arms, soothing all the guilt from her in the way only he could do.

  It wasn't until later Kiara realized he had never answered her question.

  To Kiara's amazement, Darling left his bed the next morning. His movements were slow and studied, but he was able to get about by himself. After seeing him the night before, Kiara had been certain Darling would be bedridden for days.

  "I always wondered where you lived," Darling said to Nykyrian. Darling sat at the kitchen table eating muffins with Kiara. "Now that I know how nice it is, I'll be sure to pass the info on to the rest of the group. This will make a nice resting place for us."

  Nykyrian looked up from his desk, a smile twitching the edges of his lips. "Finish your food before I finish what Arturo started."

  Rachol checked the lorinas' feeder in the kitchen. "Where are the mongrels?"

  "They're confused by all the people. Last I saw of them, they were hiding out in the bedroom," Nykyrian answered.

  "They don't bite, do they?" Darling asked.

  "I'm the only thing that bites in this house," Nykyrian said, scanning his documents.

  Kiara had to stifle a laugh at his dry response. Her neck still tingled from the bite he had given her last night after he joined her in bed.

  Darling scratched at his plaster cast. "What are we doing today?"

  Rachol crossed the room to join Nykyrian. "You are going to rest."

  Nykyrian stood up and donned his long black coat. "And since you're here, you can keep Kiara company while we go after a couple of Aksel's men."

  Kiara's heart stopped beating. "I wish you wouldn't."

  Nykyrian sighed. "I know, but we have to."

  Rachol grabbed his bag off the floor and gave Kiara a nasty glare. His glare intensified as Nykyrian pulled her into his arms to kiss her good-bye. With a heated curse, Rachol entered the bay.

  "We'll be back around dark," Nykyrian said, squeezing her arm reassuringly.

  Kiara watched him leave, her heart heavy with fear and worry.

  "Should I ask about what I just saw?"

  Darling's voice distracted her from her thoughts. Kiara shrugged.

  A tiny smile curved one corner of his mouth. "Now that I think about it, I slept on the couch with Rachol. The only other bed is the one upstairs." Darling stared at her with an intensity she found a bit disturbing. "Just where did Nykyrian spend the night?" He raised his eyebrows several times.

  Laughing at his expression, Kiara took a seat across from him. "Why are you so interested?"

  Darling mimicked her shrug. "I've had a crush on Nykyrian for years. If not for fear of my life, I would have made a pass at him long ago."

  Kiara watched the way Darling cut up his food with one hand. "May I ask a personal question?"

  He looked up at her. "Why am I homosexual?"

  She smiled. "No, that's none of my business."

  He saluted her with his fork. "At least you have more manners than the average being. So what's your question?"

  "How did you get the scar on your face?" He went so still, Kiara wished she could take the question back. Self-consciously, Darling put his fork down and rubbed the cheek covered by his hair. "It's disgusting, isn't it?"

  "No," she answered honestly. "But it is deep."

  Darling sighed. "Yeah, you should have seen it sixteen operations ago."

  Kiara's eyes widened in shock. "What happened?"

  He shrugged as if the matter didn't really bother him. "My eldest brother. We got into a fight a few years ago and this," he tucked his hair behind his ear to display the scar, "is what happened."

  "Your brother?" Kiara was aghast. Didn't any of them have a happy childhood? Darling nodded. "Kylar was always a bastard."

  Compassion welled up inside her as she surveyed the scar. "You know, you're still very handsome."

  He gave her a look that told her he thought she had lost her mind.

  "You're very generous," he said quietly. "Most people curl their lips and run."

sp; "Most people are idiots."

  He laughed. "True enough." Darling turned serious. He sat back in his chair and studied her face for several minutes. "I want you to promise me something."

  Kiara glanced sideways, her mind thinking of several things he might want from her. "What?"

  "I want you to take care of Nykyrian. I can't explain it, but he's different now that you're here. Happier, I guess. He doesn't seem so serious and emotionless anymore." Darling's eyes narrowed into an intense stare that probed her soul. "I want you to promise me you won't hurt him."

  Kiara smiled. "I would never hurt him."

  Darling nodded. "Good, now let's go digging around and see what kind of trouble we can find."

  Kiara laughed, happy to find Darling such an easy person to befriend. Leading him to the book closet, she tried to keep her mind from worrying over Nykyrian and the trouble he might find.

  * * * * *

  Hours later, Nykyrian and Rachol sat in the back room of the Bended Maiden sipping drinks. Nykyrian's head pounded from a huge headache.

  They continued to review their findings for the afternoon, to little avail. Nykyrian sighed. All he wanted was an end to this whole stupid, dangerous affair with Kiara safe by his side. Agitated at the apparent futility of his wish, he sifted through the sheets of print-outs that lined the tabletop.

  The bare, tan walls kept out the noise of the clientele in the bar area. Antilles brought them another round of drinks. Nykyrian watched the elder man fight his way around all the boxes and barrels that stored his supplies.

  Antilles smiled, as he was setting their drinks on the table. "It's good to have the two of you back. It's been too long."

  Nykyrian nodded his head in appreciation and handed him payment for the drinks.

  "Has Ryn arrived?" Rachol asked.

  Nykyrian could tell by the way Rachol shuffled papers that he was bored with their wait.

  Antilles offered Rachol an apologetic smile. "He hasn't yet, but I promise to send him back here as soon as he does."