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The League 1: Born Of The Night Page 15

  "The city of Verta," Nykyrian said, switching off his engines.

  "Verta?" Kiara repeated, a thrill rushing through her. She had always wanted to visit the infamous shops lining Paraf Run, but her father had always claimed it would be far too dangerous. Every manner of questionable merchandise— including slaves— was bought and sold here by some of the universe's most dangerous beings.

  "Are you sure this is safe?" she asked.

  Nykyrian released the hatch. "Very. I'm well known here and no one is stupid enough to cross me."

  An impish thought occurred to her and she couldn't resist asking, "What if some high-ranking aristocrat sees me and demands my private services?"

  His hands tensed around her safety strap. "I'd rip his heart out and feed it to him."

  Kiara wasn't sure if she liked his answer. She swallowed as an image of Arast's death played through her mind.

  After freeing her of the safety straps, Nykyrian helped her down and led the way out of the bay, into a crowded street. "Stay with me," he said, wrapping an arm possessively about her waist.

  Kiara scanned the street, amazed at the variety of beings and cultures represented. She saw everything from wealthy princesses arrayed in the finest materials available, to filthy street urchins who barely wore enough to cover their nudity. One bedraggled little boy ran past them.

  Nykyrian released her. "Jana!" he shouted and the boy skidded to a halt.

  Kiara watched in amazement as Nykyrian showed the boy to a hiding place barely a heartbeat before an angry Keeper rounded a corner, his club swinging. The Keeper looked in all directions, then spied them.

  He pushed his way through the crowd, glaring at Nykyrian. "Have you seen Jana The Thief?" he snapped.

  Nykyrian crossed his arms over his chest. "No, why?"

  By the Keeper's face, Kiara could tell the man thought Nykyrian was lying, but he said nothing more. With a grimace in her direction, he slowly made his way down the street.

  Kiara bit her bottom lip, wondering what was going on. Nykyrian reached into the shadows and pulled the boy out by his arm.

  "What were you doing?" Nykyrian demanded in a firm, yet gentle voice.

  The boy looked sheepishly at her. "I didn't do nothing, Nykyrian, I swear it on my life!"

  Nykyrian's stern face softened. "What did they accuse you of doing?"

  The boy licked his lips and lowered his head. His thin shoulders shook and Kiara realized he was crying. "Me mama died two days ago," he sobbed. "They want to take me to a work home."

  That familiar, angry twitch began in Nykyrian's jaw.

  To her utter amazement, he pulled the dirty little boy into his arms and held him. "It's all right, Jana. I won't let them do that to you."

  A lump choked Kiara as she watched the tender way he lifted the boy in his arms. Jana's thin little arms encircled him while he sobbed against Nykyrian's neck.

  "For a man without emotions, you seem caring enough to me," she said, pushing a lock of matted hair from Jana's dirt-smudged cheek.

  Nykyrian didn't comment. Instead, he led her down a small alley to the back of a shop. He removed his glasses and knocked on the rear door where they waited until an attractive, elderwoman appeared.

  "Nykyrian!" she breathed happily, pushing open the screen door to look him up and down like a mother seeing her son after a long absence.

  Suddenly, Kiara recognized the woman as the nurse who had tended Nykyrian in the first disk she'd viewed the day before.

  "Hi Orinthe. May we come in?" he asked, glancing at Kiara.

  "You know you're welcome here any time!" she said with a smile and opened the door wider.

  Nykyrian stood back and allowed Kiara to enter first. The elderwoman led her through an immaculate storeroom of foodstuffs and into a small lounge to the right. Jana had stopped crying and was looking around at the food with such longing, it made Kiara want to cry for him.

  Nykyrian sat Jana down in one of four chairs that encircled a small, round table. Orinthe reached up on a shelf and brought out a bowl of fruit and pastries. With a tender smile, she sat it before Jana who eagerly tore into it.

  A strange look crossed Orinthe's face as she watched Jana. "He reminds me of another boy I knew a long time ago," she said to Nykyrian.

  Nykyrian didn't move. He sat still for several seconds watching Jana. "He needs a home," he said after a long pause. "I didn't know where else to take him." Orinthe nodded. "I could use help here in the office. My regular errand boy quit three days ago and I haven't had the time to look for another."

  Jana looked up from his food, his eyes wide. "Stay here?" he asked in awe. "With all this food?"

  Orinthe's bright smile warmed Kiara's heart. "And you can eat as much as you can hold!"

  Jana looked from Nykyrian to Orinthe in brilliant happiness.

  "Of course," she said seriously. "You'll have to keep yourself clean and wash behind your ears." Jana wrinkled his nose. "But I can eat all this?"

  "As much as you can hold," Orinthe repeated. Jana smiled.

  "Nykyrian," Orinthe said, rising to her feet. "Can you help him upstairs and get him clean."

  "Sure," he said, then helped Jana carry his fruit pastries out of the room.

  Kiara smiled after them, her heart pounding in pride and love at Nykyrian's tenderness.

  Orinthe turned her faded blue eyes to Kiara with a probing stare that told Kiara she wouldn't be able to hide anything from the wise elderwoman. "Are you Nykyrian's woman?" she asked quietly. Kiara sighed. "I doubt it."

  Orinthe laughed at her words, her eyes twinkling. "Well if it solaces you any, you're the first woman I've ever seen him with." She wiped a damp cloth over the surface of the table, removing the crumbs Jana had left behind in his eagerness to eat his fill. "What's your name, child?"


  Her smile widened. "A name as beautiful as the one who bears it."

  "Thank you," she said, her cheeks warming.

  Orinthe folded the cloth and sat it on the table before them.

  Kiara watched the kind elderwoman, a thousand questions swirling in her mind about Nykyrian. "You were Nykyrian's nurse, weren't you?"

  Orinthe bit her bottom lip, then stood and closed the door to the upper room where Nykyrian had taken Jana. She returned to her chair, motioning for Kiara to lean closer to her. "He can hear you, you know."

  Kiara smiled, remembering only too well Nykyrian's extraordinary hearing.

  "I was his psychoanalyst," Orinthe said, keeping her voice low. "After his adoption, he needed help adjusting into a family."

  Kiara frowned. "Why?"

  Orinthe sat back in her chair, her eyes glazing over with memories. She took a deep breath and fretfully glanced at the closed door. "When I first met Nykyrian, I had never seen a child in the state he was in. Nor have I seen one since."

  Kiara chewed her nail, listening attentively, waiting for the elderwoman to continue.

  When it seemed Orinthe was content to let the subject drop, Kiara prompted her. "What kind of state?"

  Orinthe's lips trembled. She shook her head, her gray eyes seemed troubled. "You cannot imagine. He had been kept chained to a wall in a child's work home, allowed only garbage and water for nourishment. The workers feared giving him meat. They thought the taste of it might drive his Andarion blood into a feeding frenzy. I suppose they thought it best to keep him under heel and starving." She shook her head. "He had bruises covering his entire body, horrible physical scars from past atrocities I can only guess about."

  Orinthe drew a trembling breath and looked into Kiara's eyes. "He was so skinny and hostile to anyone who came near him. It took me weeks just to touch him without him hissing and striking out at me. He just stayed curled up in a ball on the floor, warily watching, refusing to speak."

  Tears welled up in Kiara's eyes. "They chained him to the wall?" she asked, unable to comprehend any of Orinthe's words, but most especially that. "Why?"

  Orinthe shook her head. "They we
re afraid he would harm the other children. It was a human work home." Her hands trembled as she fidgeted with the damp cloth. "The scar on his neck that travels along his collarbone is from the chain they used."

  Kiara bit her lip, a tear sliding down her cheek. She opened her mouth to ask more, but Nykyrian returned. Quickly, she wiped the moisture from her cheek.

  He stood over Orinthe's chair and placed a hand on her shoulder. Orinthe covered it with her own hand. "Jana's taking a nap."

  "Good," she said with a tender smile. "I'll let him sleep until dinner."

  Nykyrian withdrew his hand. "I'll transfer funds to your account for him."

  Orinthe sputtered at his words. "You'll do no such thing! Heaven knows you give me more than enough as it is!"

  For a moment, Kiara thought he actually blushed. He swallowed, glanced at her, then looked back at Orinthe. "Thank you for taking Jana in. If he gives you any trouble, call me and I'll talk to him."

  Orinthe smiled tenderly, her love for Nykyrian shining in her eyes.

  Nykyrian held his hand out to Kiara. Rising, Kiara tucked her hand into his.

  A frown covered Orinthe's face. "You're not leaving now?"

  He nodded before replacing his glasses. "If you need anything, call me or Rachol."

  Orinthe sighed in a way that made Kiara think Nykyrian's words embarrassed her. She looked up at Nykyrian and her friendly, warm smile returned. "You take care of yourself and this pretty lady. The two of you make a handsome couple."

  Kiara smiled at the gentle woman. "Thank you."

  By Nykyrian's face, Kiara could tell the compliment made him uncomfortable. "I'll check on the two of you in a couple of weeks."

  Orinthe nodded and showed them to the door.

  Nykyrian led the way back down the street. Kiara watched his rigid spine and knew something was bothering him. "What's wrong now?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "I wish Orinthe hadn't told you what she did."

  Kiara's stomach twisted. Was there anything that ever got past this man's hearing? "I wish you had told me yourself."

  Nykyrian hesitated and looked down at her. Kiara wished he didn't have his glasses on so she could read his mood, his emotions.

  After a moment, he shifted. "Why do you want to know about my childhood? I prefer not to think about those days. They're gone and forgotten."

  Kiara scoffed. "Forgotten? Were that true, you wouldn't be so distant to me. Why can't you let me inside you?"

  His jaw tensed and he glanced around at the thronging crowd. "This isn't the place to be having an intimate discussion. Leave this line of interrogation before I lose any more patience." Kiara sighed, wanting to strangle him.

  In awkward silence, she followed him into a large shopping complex at the end of the street. Her aggravation was forgotten as she stared at the gamut of merchandise dazzling her eyes. Everywhere she looked, bright colors greeted her gaze.

  Nykyrian led her to a lift where they got off on the second floor. Huge glass counters were filled with accessories and trims. Clothing styles were hung over abstract mannequins, showing how they might look on various life-forms.

  Kiara glanced around at the luxurious fabrics, then realized the upper floor contained the most expensive items in the store. "There were several attractive dresses below," she said, awed by the price tags.

  Nykyrian caught her arm as she started to turn around, his jaw tense. "I'm more than capable of supplying you with several wardrobes from the items up here."

  "But- "

  "But nothing, mu Tara. Start shopping."

  Kiara bit her lip in agitation, unwilling to give in so easily. "This really isn't— "

  "Kiara," he growled low in his throat.

  She sighed in a huff. "Fine. When you're bankrupt, remember I tried to stop you."

  A smile curved his lips. Entranced by those gorgeous dimples, Kiara wished she could keep him smiling and make him laugh.

  "Kiara Biardi!"

  Kiara turned around to face an excited salesclerk. The young woman stared at her with huge, excited brown eyes.

  "Oh my God, I love you!" she gushed. "I saw Silent Prayer last year and thought it was the best thing ever produced! You are the best!"

  Kiara smiled, warmed by the compliment, but the woman's words seemed to annoy Nykyrian even more. He dropped his firm grip from her elbow.

  "Thank you," Kiara said to the clerk, wondering what Nykyrian's problem was now.

  "My name is Terra and whatever you need, just let me know. Oh my God. I can't wait to tell my mother, she'll never believe this!"

  Kiara glanced at Nykyrian to see how he was taking the clerk's continuing adoration. Now, he just watched them, his features stoic.

  Kiara allowed the clerk to take her by the arm and show her a variety of pieces. For all the generosity of her father, Kiara realized she had never seen such extravagant materials. Each piece was light and airy with the most delicate, silky texture.

  Terra explained that many of the fabrics were from non-human worlds, brought to the store only by an exorbitant price. Kiara glanced over her shoulder, unsure how much Nykyrian was willing to spend on her clothes.

  "I like that one," he said, indicating the one Terra held. "Don't worry about the price, just buy whatever you need."

  Terra smiled at him. "If you're not counting coins, I have an even better line in the back!"

  At his nod, she moved them to the exclusive lines.

  Despite her reluctance, Nykyrian and Terra fitted Kiara with enough clothes to last two months. As Terra left to place the order, Kiara narrowed her eyes at Nykyrian. "I can't believe you spent so much on me!"

  He shrugged.

  "Dammit Nykyrian, I can't take all of this." She wished she could see his eyes. Instead, her angry reflection glared back at her from the dark lenses. Terra returned with her computer ledger and Nykyrian quickly signed his name and indicated where the packages were to be delivered.

  "Do you need anything else?" he asked, handing the ledger back to Terra.

  Kiara clenched her teeth. "Not hardly."

  With a nod to Terra, he took Kiara's arm and led her from the store. "We need to get Rachol's part next."

  Kiara remained silent throughout the transaction in the part's store. All she wanted was to know a few answers to the billion questions she had about the man she had given herself to. Why wouldn't he just talk to her?

  "Are you hungry?" he asked as they left the store, Rachol's part tucked securely under his arm.

  "Yes," she answered sullenly, her stomach rumbling at the thought.

  He took her hand and led her across the busy street to a small cafe. Her hand burned at his touch and her anger vanished. Kiara's heart pounded and at the moment, she wished they were back at home, alone.

  As they stepped up onto the curb, Kiara noticed a small group of Andarions watching them.

  Nykyrian stiffened, noting them as well. "Do you know Prince Jullien?" he asked in a brittle voice.

  "That's who he is!" Kiara exclaimed, relieved to know why the short, pudgy Andarion looked so familiar.

  Noticing the firm set of Nykyrian's jaw, she wondered what animosity he had to the man. Was there anyone, or anything for that matter, Nykyrian didn't object to?

  Nykyrian seated them in the rear of the restaurant, his back against the wall so he could scan the occupants. Suddenly, his body tensed and she detected the smallest hint of his lips curling in anger. Kiara turned around to see what had him upset now, and saw Jullien making his way toward them, his large guards following only a step behind.

  Without a word of courtesy, Jullien took a seat beside Kiara and lifted her hand in his soft, fat palm. Kiara stifled her cringe at the white flesh, wondering what made the prince think she had any desire to be touched by him. The last thing she needed at that moment was an adoring admirer salivating over her. Especially this prince who had pursued her incessantly last year when she had performed at his father's command on Triosa.

  "Tarn Biard
i, it is a pleasure to see you again." Jullien smiled a confident smile that told her how much arrogance the ugly thing possessed.

  She smiled stiffly. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Highness," she replied, wishing she could think of a way to get him out of her face.

  His fingers stroked hers as he stared into her eyes with a desire that churned her stomach. As he was flipping a lock of coal black hair from his shoulder, his smile turned seductive. His obvious vanity annoyed her. As fat and ugly as he was, he'd be lucky to find a concubine willing to service his needs. No doubt he thought himself quite a catch because of his wealth and money.

  Kiara glanced at Nykyrian. He looked calm except for his tense hands which clutched the menu, and she had the distinct feeling it was taking all his self-control not to leap at Jullien and strangle the prince. Facing Jullien, she met his gaze and had to stifle a shudder at his mutated greenish-brown eyes ringed in blood red.

  His smile widened. "I've spoken with my father about bringing you back to Triosa to perform. He is as enthralled with your beauty and talent almost as much as I." Jullien almost scintillated in satisfaction.

  Nykyrian lowered the menu. "Emperor Aros is exceedingly generous to say such things," he gritted out between clenched teeth.

  Jullien raised a disbelieving eyebrow and turned around in his chair to face Nykyrian. Kiara held her breath, unsure of what would follow. No one spoke to a prince unless acknowledged beforehand.

  "I wasn't aware you had been spoken to," Jullien said in a voice Kiara knew would set Nykyrian's temper blazing.

  Nykyrian's lips curled into a fierce snarl. "I don't recognize your higher order of rules."

  Jullien's eyes narrowed and for a moment, Kiara thought he might call his guards to arrest Nykyrian. "You are one of my subjects. I demand proper respect!"

  "Titana tu."

  Kiara didn't know what Nykyrian's deadpan response was, but by the amount of color suffusing the prince's cheeks, she knew it was not polite. She prayed Nykyrian calmed down before Jullien's Andarion guards attacked him.

  "I have never known an Andarion to bleach their hair a giakon color," Jullien sneered.

  Kiara held her breath, fearing Nykyrian's response.

  "Better than being fat, you rounded— "