The League 1: Born Of The Night Read online

Page 13

  Aksel stood up. "Just because you're his psycho whatever doesn't mean you can tell me what to do."

  "Besides," Arast whined, shoving his plate away from him, the food spilling over the edges. "He's a freak. Why don't you take him back to wherever they found him."

  The nurse tried to calm them down, but they wouldn't listen. Before she could stop them, Aksel pushed Nykyrian from the chair and Arast kicked him in the ribs. Nykyrian fought against them without tears or words. The nurse disappeared.

  Kiara clenched her teeth at the fierce blows Aksel and Arast delivered, amazed Nykyrian didn't cry or whimper. He stood his ground, but the two of them were too much for him to defend himself against.

  After a moment, the nurse returned with Commander Quiakides by her side.

  "Boys!" he said, clapping his hands as he moved to stand in front of the nurse. Instantly, they released Nykyrian.

  "What's going on here?" the Commander demanded, his sharp glare piercing the group.

  "He's been in my stuff again, Dad," Aksel said defensively. "I'm getting tired of it, too."

  The nurse blustered behind the Commander. "That has nothing to do with— "

  "Enough," the Commander said, interrupting her. "I will not have conflict in my house. Leave me with Nykyrian."

  Kiara's gaze fell to where Nykyrian sat quietly studying the pattern on the porcelain floor. He hadn't bothered to stand. The room cleared and the Commander snatched Nykyrian off the floor by his arm with a grip and force that made Kiara cringe in reflex.

  "Have you been in their rooms again?"

  Nykyrian remained silent.

  "Answer me," the Commander snarled, shaking him.

  Nykyrian looked at him with a cold hatred that chilled Kiara. The Commander's response was much more active, he backhanded him. Nykyrian didn't flinch or cry out. That knowledge hurt Kiara more than the brutal action.

  "You are a hybrid animal," the Commander snarled. "Not even your own parents wanted you! You're lucky anyone would have you at all! You will either respect this home and my rules or find yourself back in the work home, chained to the wall!"

  The words burned through Kiara, she couldn't watch it anymore. She switched the disk.

  The next disk was Nykyrian a few years older at about fifteen. He practiced in an exercise room with his brothers. Kiara's heart was heavy as she watched the brutal way they trained. If Nykyrian missed a single defense, he caught a severe blow from one of them.

  His gorgeous blond hair was cropped close to his head and a long, pink scar ran down the back of his neck, along his spine.

  The Commander entered and Kiara thought she glimpsed a glimmer of pride in his eyes as he watched his sons.

  Suddenly, without reason, Nykyrian dropped his weapon and fell to his knees. His breathing labored, he clutched at his head as if some intolerable pain tore through his skull.

  Seeing the Commander, Aksel dropped his weapon, laughed, then clapped Arast on his back and the two of them left the room.

  Huwin moved to stand before Nykyrian, legs braced wide apart. He tapped his silver-handled cane on the floor in a short staccato rhythm. Nykyrian dropped his hands from his head and lifted his face to stare a bitter hatred at his father.

  "Does your injury still pain you?" Huwin asked in an almost caring voice. Nykyrian remained silent.

  Huwin tapped the cane nearer to Nykyrian. The sound stopped. He grabbed Nykyrian's hair and pulled him to his feet. Nykyrian didn't even grimace. "I have received some distressing information about you," Huwin said, his grip tightening its hold. "Something about you and Ambassador Krila's daughter." Nykyrian just stared at him.

  Huwin lifted his cane and angled the sharp handle toward Nykyrian's eyes. "Is it true?"

  "No," Nykyrian spat.

  Huwin released him. "Good. Your blood is tainted. The only thing you're fit for is killing. I want no more rumors about any women. The only thing a woman could possibly want with you is my money and I won't have any bastard, half-bred offspring of yours enjoying what I've spent my life building!"

  Nykyrian opened his mouth to speak and received a vicious backhand.

  "Remember my words."

  "What are you doing!"

  Kiara jumped at Nykyrian's snarl. Heat stung her cheeks at being caught in her snooping.

  Rushing forward, Nykyrian cut the power to the viewer. His sharp glare pierced her.

  She averted her eyes in guilt. "I just wanted to see what you were like," she whispered.

  He ran his hand over his biceps, his gaze still locked on her. Kiara could swear his hand trembled.

  "I don't ever want you to watch any of my personal files again." he said in a ragged whisper. In anger, he stormed from the room.

  Despondency, guilt and pain claimed her as she sat holding the control in her hand. She hadn't meant to hurt him, she had only wanted to see what his childhood was like. Now she understood only too well why he kept it hidden. Drawing a ragged sigh, she went to find him and apologize for everything.

  Kiara hesitated in the hallway just before entering the main room. Nykyrian sat at the desk, holding his head in his hands, looking more miserable than anything she had ever seen. Kiara looked about for Rachol, but he must have left. She moved forward, knelt beside his chair and placed her hand on his thigh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

  Nykyrian looked at her apologetic face. He couldn't believe she had found his files. Bitter, agonizing memories tore through him. All the times in his life he had needed someone to talk to, to hold him, flashed before his mind and he felt like crying. But what was the use?

  He glanced at the pain on Kiara's face as she watched him. There he saw the sincere caring he had always craved. A desire burned inside him to take her in his arms and find the solace he needed. He was sure she would give him the peace his soul cried out for.

  How easy it would be to trust just this one person. Kiara seemed so loving the way she looked up at him as if she wanted to soothe his agony. He needed her warmth, her touch, her love. His mind screamed out a brutal denial. He couldn't trust her, he couldn't trust anyone.

  For once, he didn't listen to the voice inside him and all the warnings it shouted. He reached out his hand, shaking with the force of his emotions, to her.

  Chapter 8

  Nykyrian's hand stopped inches from her face. Smiling at the gesture, Kiara clasped his hand in both of hers and kissed his icy fingertips. His hand trembled as she held onto it. Indecision darkened his light green eyes.

  Kiara waited, stroking the strong tendons of his hand, praying he would hold her.

  He buried his other hand under her hair, his fingers lightly stroking her scalp, causing chills to form all the way down her body. Desire erupted inside her, and she knew tonight she wouldn't, couldn't, let him go. Tomorrow would probably separate them, but she would have tonight no matter what.

  His arms tightened and he pulled her up to him. His lips claimed hers with a passion born of desperate need. Kiara moaned with the pleasure of it. She heard his ragged breathing as he nipped her lips with his teeth. Opening her mouth, she welcomed his warmth, his touch.

  He slid from his chair, his hands working magic on her body. Everywhere he touched, she burned, aching for more. Her heart thundered as she ran her hands down the soft silk of his shirt, delighting in the way his hard muscles flexed beneath her fingertips.

  She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything.

  Nykyrian buried his lips in Kiara's neck, inhaling the sweet fragrance of her exotic perfume. He shook with the force of his need and lost himself in the first true bliss he could recall ever feeling.

  Her welcoming arms held him to her in a gentle embrace he had never thought to feel. Desire surged through his veins like liquid fire. He clung to her in desperation, needing her, wanting her.

  Chills formed under the warmth of her hands across his back. He gasped as her tongue played along the tendons of his neck, her teeth gently nipping. He closed his eyes to the sen
sation, reveling in it. Reclaiming her lips, he kissed her deeply. For the first time in his life, he felt loved, wanted.

  Kiara's body throbbed in an aching need that demanded the feel of his naked body against hers. She ran her fingers under the collar of his shirt, but that didn't appease her, it only whetted her appetite more. She moaned in pleasure as he moved his hand over her breast, down her stomach and underneath the hem of her dress. Chills formed beneath his hand as he stroked the skin of her stomach. Kiara kissed him fiercely, wanting to keep him with her.

  With a low groan, Nykyrian pulled away, damning himself for his actions. His breath came in labored gasps as he stood. He stared at Kiara's confused eyes, his body throbbing in painful arousal. What was he doing?

  Running trembling hands through his hair, he couldn't believe what he had done, would have done, and for that matter, still wanted to do with the tiny dancer.

  "I'm sorry."

  Kiara blinked, his apology confusing her more than the emotions swirling inside her. "For what?" she asked.

  He closed his eyes and turned around. "I had no right to touch you," he whispered.

  Kiara's heart lurched at his pain-filled words.

  Walking to him, she ran her hand over his back. "You have more right than anyone else," she said, gripping his upper arm and turning him around to face her.

  He stared at her with those marvelous, beautiful eyes. She ran her hand down his cheek, her palm scraped by his whiskers. "I want you."

  Pain clouded his eyes. He tore away from her as if her touch burned him. "You pity me. I don't need it, or want it."

  "Don't tell me what I feel!" She crossed the floor to stand in front of him.

  He tried to move away again, but she grabbed his arm and kept him by her. "You can't walk away from me, I won't let you."

  His jaw tensed. "Maybe I don't want you."

  One corner of her mouth lifted. She remembered the number of disks in his cabinet of her performances, the look on his face as he reached out to her just moments ago. "If that were true, you would stay still and not keep moving away from me. Face it, soldier, you want me more than anything!"

  His glare intensified. "That's a rather arrogant assumption for you to make."

  Her smile spread across her face. "Isn't it though?"

  Humor sparkled in his eyes as he stared at her, then it faded. "You don't want me. You sure as hell don't need me."

  Kiara closed her eyes in frustration and prayed for some divine aid to help her get through to him. "Why do you think that?"

  He turned away and grabbed his long, black coat from the couch where he had draped it. "You're safe here. I'll be back in a little while."

  Desperation filled her. If he left without this settled, she knew he would be gone from her forever. "By God, hybrid," she shouted. "Don't you walk away from me!"

  The murderous look he gave her when he turned around caused her to take a step back. He clenched his hand at his side and she had the distinct feeling he wanted to kill her.

  "I thought soldiers were trained to meet conflict, not run," she said, unwilling to back down completely.

  He glared at her.

  "What is it about me that frightens you?"

  He didn't answer.

  Kiara wanted to scream in frustration. Could it be true he really didn't want her?

  "I'll be back later," he said and headed for the door.

  In a bright epiphany, Kiara remembered the scenes in the disks and realized what he was doing and why he wouldn't let anyone, not even Rachol, close to him. "Why do you think you can't be loved?"

  He froze.

  "That's it, isn't it?" she asked, tempted to laugh at the absurdity of the idea. "Somewhere you got the idea that no one can love you. Well, I do and I'm not going to let you leave me!" Her eyes widened as she realized what had slipped out of her mouth. Horrified at what she'd said, Kiara bit her lip. Where had that come from?

  Nykyrian turned around slowly. A gamut of emotions played across his face as he received her words.

  A glimmer of hope sparked inside her, but Kiara knew she had to move slowly. Closing the gap between them, she placed her hand on his cheek. He didn't move away.

  "I love you," Kiara said with conviction, realizing exactly why she had said what she did.

  Nykyrian drew her into his arms, crushing her against him. Her cheek pressed against his chest, she heard the pounding beat of his heart, felt his warmth surrounding her. And she never wanted to leave this spot of paradise. Here she was safe, here she belonged.

  "I need you." His ragged whisper thrilled her.

  She looked up at his passion-darkened eyes and saw the depth of his love for her. "Let me love you, Nykyrian," she pleaded.

  His arms tightened around her and he picked her up from the floor and headed for the stairs.

  "Your wound," she gasped, afraid he would hurt himself again.

  "I'm fine," he said. And then the most wondrous thing happened, he smiled.

  Kiara stared agape. "You've got dimples!"

  Instantly, the smile vanished. "I know."

  "They're beautiful!" Kiara laughed. "Show them to me again." She fingered his cheek, trying to get another smile from him.

  He tossed her on the bed, then stretched out on top of her, pinning her to the mattress in a way that excited her. He stared into her eyes and smiled again.

  "It feels weird," Nykyrian said after a minute. "I'm sure it looks stupid."

  Kiara laughed at him. "It looks wonderful. Rachol was right, you should smile more often."

  He picked her hand up and kissed the palm. His warm breath sent a chill up her arm.

  "What's your middle name?" she asked suddenly.

  He released her hand and stared at her as if she had turned purple. "What?"

  "Your middle name?"

  He frowned. "Why?"

  She toyed with a strand of his blond hair, delighting in the softness of it. "I want to know everything about you and that seemed like a good starting place."

  He shook his head at her, his blond hair cupping his face. "Caesare."

  She smiled, running her fingertip along his the curves of his mouth. "Nykyrian Caesare Quiakides. It has a noble ring to it."

  A brief moment of pain flashed over his features. It crossed his face so quickly, she wondered if she had imagined it.

  Then he looked back at her with those wonderful, green eyes. "Do you want me to darken the room?" he asked.

  Heat crept over her cheeks. "Please."

  He rolled away from her and reached for a control on the table next to his bed.

  The lights went out and the ceiling above her head faded to transparency. A thousand stars twinkled brightly, their light bathing the room in a soft, white glow. "It looks like a dream," she whispered, awed by the beauty. "No wonder you like it here."

  He pulled his boots off. "They're not half as beautiful as you are."

  His voice was so low, Kiara wondered if he said it, or she imagined it. She sat up and leaned against his back. His sharp intake of breath brought a smile to her face. She ran her hands down his arms, delighting in the sensation of his muscles tensing under her hands.

  All four lorinas hit the bed at once. The biggest one butted at Kiara, trying to separate her from Nykyrian.

  Nykyrian mumbled a curse. "Pixley, down!" he ordered the big one.

  "I didn't know they had names," Kiara said, stroking the smallest one behind the ears.

  Nykyrian nodded. "The one your petting is Cintara, Pixley is the biggest, Ulf is the one with the white patch and the other is Ilyse," he said, pushing Pixley down the stairs.

  Once he cleared them from he room, he locked the door.

  "How long have you had them?"

  "Eight years," he said, pulling his shirt off over his head.

  Shyness overcame Kiara as she watched the play of well-defined muscles. Her mouth dried at the tanned flesh she wanted to run her hands across. She saw the dragon and dagger tattoo under his left
collarbone, the mark of a League Assassin. Somehow, his career no longer bothered her.

  The bed dipped under his weight. He stretched out beside her, his head propped on his hand as he studied her with an intensity she found unsettling.

  Kiara mimicked the gesture. She lay there watching him, afraid to touch him for fear he would change his mind and leave. After several seconds, he reached his hand out and touched her hair, spreading it out along the black fur covers.

  Kiara smiled warmly, her heartbeat quickening. In spite of all the scars crossing his chest, she thought Nykyrian had the most handsome body she had ever seen. She touched the worst-looking scar that ran along his collarbone, just above the tattoo. It looked as if something had dug a huge claw into his neck. Sadness welled up in her throat, choking her breath as she thought of all the pain he had suffered in his life.

  Nykyrian pulled his hand away from her hair. "You've changed your mind."

  The despondency in his voice wrenched a sob from her. "No," she whispered.

  He frowned, smoothing a curl from her cheek, stroking her cheekbone with his thumb. "You look so sad."

  She held his hand to her cheek, reveling in the feel of his callused palm against her skin. She moved his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles. "I wish I could take away your pain," she whispered. "I wish I could go back to when you were born and take you somewhere safe. Far away from all the people who hurt you."

  His eyes were liquid. "You're doing that now." He leaned forward and kissed her lips.

  Kiara welcomed the feel of him pressing her down on the mattress. His lips traveled over her body, blazing a trail of fire where they touched. Nykyrian lifted the hem of her dress and placed a kiss on her stomach. Kiara clutched his head to her in dizzy ecstasy.

  Nykyrian marveled at the feel of her silken flesh. He delighted in the way she quivered from his slightest touch and whispered his name. He had waited his entire life to feel this wanted. He wasn't disappointed.

  Kiara forgot her shyness as he removed her dress and let it fall to the floor. She watched him explore her body, each nerve alive and attuned to him. She laughed and jerked as his lips and whiskers tickled her flesh.


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