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Styxx (DH #33) Page 12

  “I want you to stay away from me and my maids. They are good and decent women. Not your own private harem.”

  Why can’t you be like Acheron? He would never prey on someone else.

  He clenched his teeth. What would she say if she knew how many lovers her precious Acheron had taken while Styxx was still as virgin as the day he’d entered this world? And that was even with a god chasing after his virginity, along with every female unrelated to him.

  She wouldn’t believe it. For whatever reason, she wanted to hate him and went out of her way to find reasons to fuel her resentment and fury.

  All I ever did was try to please you and Mother. But those days were over. There were some people who couldn’t be pleased no matter how hard he tried and there was nothing he could do about it. He was tired of banging his head against that wall.

  His head hurt badly enough. He didn’t need a concussion to go with it.

  “Good night, sweet sister. May Morpheus cradle you kindly to his bosom.” Turning, he walked to his room and locked the door lest another of her maids get lost on her way to the kitchen.

  His head throbbing, he went to his bed and threw himself across it.

  Was there anything more treacherous in this world than a woman, especially when the bitch was conniving?

  May 10, 9533 BC

  Pacing the floor of his personal temple, Archon cursed as another anniversary passed without their having located his wife Apollymi’s missing brat.

  Time was growing critically short.…

  If they didn’t find Apostolos and kill him, his “beloved” wife was going to free the little bastard’s powers and the two of them would join together to destroy every single member of his pantheon.

  Starting with him.

  He glared at his sister, Epithymia. The Atlantean goddess of desire had promised him that Apostolos would die. She had been there at his birth and touched him so that anyone who saw him would covet his body. The humans were supposed to have ripped the child apart.

  And yet another year had passed and he still lived.

  “You have to tell us where he is,” Archon snarled at her.

  “It won’t matter. He’s not there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “After a few years, I went back and the brat was gone.”

  Archon cursed. “How can he hide from all of our collective powers?”

  She gave him a droll stare. “You had to marry a primal god.… Remember? None of us can touch Apollymi’s powers. The bitch is potent, which is why you’re so afraid of her.”

  And once her son came into his majority, it would be the end of everything.

  “Your best bet is to keep hammering him with voices and pain. Sooner or later, it’s bound to drive him to suicide.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” Archon asked.

  “I suggest you learn to swim.” She flashed out of his study.

  Archon cursed. They would have to step up their plans. There was no choice. Even if he had to tear the human world apart, he needed that boy’s head on a platter. Sooner rather than later.

  August 18, 9533 BC

  Styxx stood by his father’s side with his spine ramrod stiff as he did his best to ignore the voices that fought each other for time inside his skull. The loudest was the strident shrew tone he knew best.


  You’re such a spoiled little brat. You repulse me. Standing there like you’re already king. You’re nothing but a worthless bully. I’m surprised you haven’t ordered someone else to take your place to welcome Uncle for his visits.

  He slid his gaze to her. She gave him a cold, mocking smile. Whatever. He’d never forgiven her for her reaction to him years ago, anyway.

  Against his will, her nasty words replayed in his mind. “You’re the reason they took my brother from me. Just because you look like him, it doesn’t make you what he is. You could never be Acheron. You’re just a poor copy of him. Get out of my sight. You sicken me.”

  Love you, too.

  Since that day, he’d done his best to comply with her wishes. He only interacted with her when he absolutely had to. But what baffled him most was how she could hate him so when she knew nothing about him. And yet she felt completely entitled to her animosity. To the point she wrapped herself in it like a warm, familiar cloak.

  You’re glad Acheron is gone. I know you are. I know you made Father send him away so that you wouldn’t have any competition. You’re such a selfish, ugly beast. Her most current rant against him.

  And there she was definitely wrong. He missed his brother more than words could convey. Unfortunately, given the things he’d felt these years past, he had a bad feeling that the Acheron who existed today was nothing like the memory he held of his beloved brother.

  No more than he was the same Styxx he’d been as a boy.

  Time changes all things. And seldom did they change for the better.

  Smiling, his father clapped him on the back. “Here he comes.”

  With a sick lump in his stomach, Styxx followed his father down the steps to wait while Estes and his unexpected entourage dismounted and moved toward them. Why were so many noblemen with his uncle? In the past, Estes had always come alone with his escort.

  Today, he rode with five others as companions.…

  After closing the distance between them, Estes pulled Styxx into a tight hug. “Look at you, my precious nephew.” Then he whispered in his ear. “You’ve become even more handsome than your brother.” He squeezed Styxx’s biceps. “Beefier, too.”

  Strange how, unlike his vain, vacuous sister, Styxx didn’t feel attractive at all. Whenever someone came on to him, he assumed it had much more to do with his title than his person. An instinct usually fully corroborated by their thoughts.

  Even the Olympian who wanted him always called him by his title. Seldom his name.

  “Thank you, Uncle. How is my brother?” Styxx whispered, knowing that if his father overheard the question, he’d be furious at him. Any time he asked after Acheron or begged his father to allow his brother to come for a visit, his father beat or insulted him for it.

  Estes glanced over to make sure his father was still out of hearing range before he answered. “Extremely well. You should consider coming for a visit. I’d love to have you.”

  “Father would never allow me to leave.” At least not for a trip Styxx might actually enjoy. But let it be a trip to Tartarus … the old man couldn’t throw him out fast enough.

  “What’s that?” his father asked as he rejoined them. “You’re not trying to steal my heir, are you?”

  “I’d take him in a heartbeat if you’d let me.”

  “He has too many obligations here at home.”

  Like cleaning stables and decorating temples he hated, listening to mewling, petty complaints, and observing his father’s “benevolent” wisdom—which meant oooing and ahhing everything his father did as if the bastard didn’t have enough sycophants already.

  “Pity.” Estes turned to Ryssa and scooped her up in his arms.

  Styxx frowned as he caught the men with Estes giving him peculiar looks. But then if they’d met Acheron at his uncle’s home in Atlantis, they were probably wondering, as all people did, if Styxx had any godhood in him, too.

  The only thing he didn’t miss about having his brother with him was the way people wanted to line them up and inspect them like they were freaks of nature because they matched so perfectly.

  Except for their eyes.

  And now their external scars, and voices—Styxx’s had never lost the hoarseness from his time spent in the Dionysion. As Ryssa was so quick to point out, he perpetually sounded as if he had a cold.

  Uh, don’t speak, and for the sake of the gods, don’t try to sing. Your voice is repellant. You sound like you need to clear your throat.

  Releasing Ryssa, Estes stepped back and gestured toward his friends. “Since I’m here to take Styxx for a week…”

  Styxx’s scowl deepened as he
looked to his father for confirmation. No one had told him this.

  His father wouldn’t meet his gaze at all.

  “… I thought he’d enjoy a party for it,” Estes continued. “Allow me to present my friends.” He pulled the man closest to him up the stairs for Styxx and his father to greet. “Lord Kastor, whose father is a philosopher in Ithaca. Kastor was sent to Atlantis as a tutor for several prominent sons.” No older than his mid-twenties, Kastor had dark hair and a thin beard with a thick nose.

  They exchanged pleasantries.

  Estes gestured to the three who stood together. “Also from Greek kingdoms, Lords Noe of Athens…” He appeared to be closer to his father’s age, but extremely unattractive with heavyset jowls and a thick, unkempt black beard. “Leon of Macedonia…” On the unremarkable side, he was tall, red-haired, and very thin, and most likely in his mid-thirties. “Nestor, also an Athenian…” His brown hair curled around a bony face that held an exotic kind of beauty.

  Descending the stairs, Estes went to the last man in their group. “And an Atlantean prince who is second cousin to the current queen … Xan.” Perfect in form and face, Xan had the kind of physique Styxx would give anything to possess. He kept working out for it, but so far …

  He had a long way to go. His muscles were highly defined, but very lean.

  The group bowed before his father and then to him, except for Xan, who met them as equals. He shook hands with his father then turned a friendly smile to Styxx. “I’ve been looking forward to this since Estes invited me. I hear you’re quite the man to ride with, Prince Styxx.”

  The unexpected praise made him decidedly uncomfortable. “I don’t know about that, but it’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.”

  This should be an enjoyable week with my favorite pastime, and a handsome prince to boot.

  Estes was right. He matches Acheron in every way, except Styxx has perfect, beautiful eyes. Fascinating.

  I am so glad I changed my mind about coming.…

  Styxx shook his head as their silent comments assailed him and then tripped over each other so fast that he could no longer distinguish their individual words, which were a mixture of Greek and Atlantean.

  “Gentlemen,” his father said with the full diplomacy of his crown, “please come inside and rest for a bit. I have plenty of libations for your welcome.”

  Ryssa led them in.

  Styxx pulled his father aside. “Why didn’t you tell me of this?”

  Why are you complaining? I wish I could spend a week with my brother and have no responsibilities.

  “I didn’t know he was bringing a retinue with him. But I don’t see a problem with it. We both thought you’d enjoy a hunting retreat with your uncle away from the stress of the palace.” His father left him on the stairs as he followed after the others.

  Grinding his teeth, Styxx wanted to curse them all. Did no one in his family know the most basic thing about him? How could he share a home every single day with people who knew so little about his personality?

  He couldn’t stand being around strangers. At all. Nor did he care for hunting.

  How do I get out of this?

  Maybe Galen could break my arm again.…

  But the worst part? He had a bad feeling in his stomach that something awful was going to happen. He just didn’t know what.

  August 19, 9533 BC

  Styxx couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so happy. As much as he hated to admit it, he was glad his father and uncle had done this for him. It was wonderful to be off without his father nagging him and Ryssa’s constant bitching. No tutors telling him how stupid he was. No glancing down hallways to make sure his mother wasn’t there before he walked them. No wanton maids or women grabbing for his cock.

  Even with his head throbbing, it was great.

  I could definitely live like this for a while.

  “Here.” Estes gave him a handful of dried meat as they hid near a brook, waiting for deer to sniff out the bait they’d left for them.

  Styxx quickly ate it. “That’s delicious. What’s in it?”

  “A special herb that’s only grown in Atlantis. We have nothing like it here in Greece.”

  “You should import it. You could make a fortune.”

  Estes smiled. “So they tell me.” He handed Styxx a wineskin.

  Styxx took a quick drink then lowered it as he heard leaves rustling where they’d dropped bait. Pulling his bow up, he nocked his arrow then leaned to sight it.

  Estes moved to stand behind him, so close that he could feel his uncle’s breath falling on the back of his neck. “Steady. Hold the shot.”

  His head cocked, Styxx waited.

  “Lift your elbow,” Estes whispered in his ear. He gently pushed it up to show Styxx how to stand properly. “Hips straight.” His uncle dropped his hands to Styxx’s hips and twisted them slightly. As he did so, Estes’s groin pressed up against his buttocks, letting him know his uncle was fully erect.

  Styxx’s eyes widened in shock.


  Completely unaware of the arrow’s trajectory, Styxx let it fly and quickly stepped out of his uncle’s embrace so that there was some distance between them.

  But Estes acted as if nothing had happened.

  Had he imagined it?

  Estes smiled. “You got him, little squirrel! Congratulations.”

  His thoughts still on the disturbing intimate contact, and whether or not it was intentional, Styxx blinked, not understanding what Estes had said.

  Xan clapped him on the shoulder as he joined them. “Great shot, Styxx.”

  Only then did Styxx realize he’d made the kill. The other men were already at the deer, inspecting it. Noe had a small cup he was using to capture some of the deer’s blood.

  “What are you doing?” Styxx asked him.

  “It’s your first kill. You always drink the blood of your first.” Noe held the cup up for him to take.

  Grimacing in distaste, Styxx hesitated.

  “It’s all right,” Estes said from behind him. He pulled out the wineskin and more of the dried meat. “I have this ready to banish the taste. But it is a rite of passage we all take.”

  Xan took Styxx’s bow and smiled at Estes.

  Not sure about this, Styxx lifted the cup of blood. Closing his eyes, he drank it then shivered in revulsion as the salty, metallic taste assaulted his taste buds.

  Gah … how could a god stomach drinking human blood?

  “Here.” Estes swapped the meat for the cup.

  Styxx quickly shoved it in his mouth and chewed it then drank the wine. His uncle was right again. It thankfully killed the taste immediately.

  “We’ll all dine well tonight.” Leon grinned at his friends.

  Kastor winked at Leon. “Good thing, too, for I am long famished for the hindquarters of an unsullied buck. Even if it means sharing him with the lot of you.”

  They all laughed.

  Frowning, Styxx didn’t understand what was so funny about his comment.

  “So who gets to clean our meal?” Nestor asked.

  Estes tossed his dagger to land at Nestor’s feet. “It’s your turn to skin and cook the venison. And the five of you can draw straws for dessert.” His uncle put his hands on Styxx’s shoulders to guide him away from the others. “Come, Styxx. Let’s get that blood off you.”

  “What blood?”

  “On your chiton.”

  Looking down, Styxx cringed as he realized he’d spilled some of the deer’s blood on his clothes. I am completely incompetent.

  What else was new?

  Estes grabbed his saddlebag and led him to where the brook widened to a stream. He handed soap and towel to Styxx. “You might as well bathe the day’s sweat off, too.”

  While Styxx went to clean himself, Estes started a small fire. By the time he returned for his clothes, his uncle was sitting on a blanket, mixing herbs into a small clay pot.

  “What are you doing?”

nbsp; Estes motioned him closer. “Have you ever heard of Eycharistisi?”

  Styxx shook his head. “What is it?”

  “Another special plant they grow in Atlantis. Truly, it is a place of wonder and marvel. They have the most advanced medicine you’ve ever seen.” Estes set fire to the herbs then blew the flames down to low embers. “Would you like to try some?”

  Styxx hesitated. They didn’t look particularly appetizing, but then neither did the meat, and it was exceptionably tasty. Kneeling beside his uncle, he reached out to take the herbs with his fingers.

  Pulling the pot back, Estes laughed. “You don’t eat them, dear boy. You inhale their fragrance.” He held up a small cup that was attached to the pot. “Put this over your nose and mouth and breathe in deeply.”

  “Is it safe?”

  “Very. You know I’d never hurt you. I love you too much for that.”

  You are definitely going to enjoy this, little squirrel.…

  Styxx scowled at his uncle’s thought. “What does it do?”

  “It’ll ease your headache and the soreness you had from the ride out here.”

  He’d do anything short of cutting his head off to get the throbbing pain to lessen. Between his uncle, Estes’s five friends, and the four guards who rode with them, his head had been nothing but a cacophonous mess of their thoughts. They were so overwhelming, he couldn’t even understand more than a random word or two at a time.

  If this worked to silence the noise, he’d buy bushels of it.

  Pulling the cup to his face, Styxx did as Estes had instructed. It smelled like some exotic fruit and it made his head reel. But the best part was that it completely shut out the voices of the gods and people in his head.

  For that silence alone, he was grateful beyond measure.

  “Here. Have more wine.”

  Styxx took the skin and drank deeply of it. But this was different from what he’d had earlier. Spicier. It hit his stomach then fanned out through his veins with a warm thickness he could feel. The calmest peace he’d ever known settled over him, like he was sleeping while awake.

  Then out of nowhere, his body felt as if it was engulfed in flames. He blew cold air across his skin.